Vocabulary in Pictures Unit 6
The beautiful woman did not accede to Gilbert’s request for a date, no matter how many flowers he brought her.
The pirate threatened his enemies by brandishing his sword.
English class this semester will be comprised of reading Animal Farm, and The House on Mango Street.
Stevie Ray Vaughn is widely known for his deft guitar playing.
The earthquake in Japan left many people destitute because their homes were destroyed.
The instructions for the homework were very explicit, but I chose to ignore them.
One of Hitler’s goals was to completely extirpate the Jews.
Kevin Ware broke his leg at the most inopportune time Kevin Ware broke his leg at the most inopportune time. He was right in the middle of a basketball game!
O. Henry’s short stories are famous for their ironic nature and unexpected endings.
The old barn had a very musty odor.
He was bombarded with the officious employees who worked at the store, and, because of their obtrusiveness he ran out the door.
We didn’t need a weatherman to tell us that the ominous bank of clouds could mean a tornado was coming.
Reaching the pinnacle of Everest is a long and difficult journey.
Becoming President of the United States is the pinnacle of an American politician’s career.
Some crimes are crimes of passion while others are clearly premeditated.
The neglected yard was overrun with rampant weeds.
Many people seek solace by listening to music Many people seek solace by listening to music. They find that the music solaces them.
Their clothing made the couple seem to have a stately manner.
Since rubber bands are so supple, they are great to use with odd-shaped objects.
If the American government tried to suppress our free speech, the citizens would have a lot of adjusting to do.
The venal police officer was susceptible to accepting bribes.