Sophomore Research Paper #1
Assignment All Sophomore College Prep. English students will complete a 2-3 page, MLA formatted research paper as part of the requirements of quarter 1. Students may choose from the four prompts below to complete this assignment. All papers must be submitted to or they will not be accepted for a grade.
Formatting Notes Please use MLA format. We will review MLA formatting requirements in class, but I encourage you to use the This includes all of the following: **12-point, Times New Roman Font **Double-spaced **1” margins all around Include a heading with the following information: **Title of Paper **Your Fabulous Name **Mrs. Lenkey ** English 10 **Day Month Year Include a running header with this info: **Your Fabulous Last Name and Page #
Due Dates Each of the separate assignments must be submitted on the specified dates below: Outline : ________ First Draft: ________ Peer Review: ________ Final Draft: ________