Bivariate Data 3.9 4 credits
Bivariate Data Learning objectives 19 May 2019 pulling it all together
I’ve been given some data what do I do now? Plot the data using iNZight – use the picture that shows all the possible plots (page 11 in the white booklet) do any look like good candidates for an investigation (nice looking scatter graphs) Pick those 2 variables and research what they mean on google. do some more research and get your background information. from the scatter graph you chose start on forming your question “ I wonder if . . . . “ 6. work backwards to the purpose of your investigation work forwards through identify the variables, name the source, research and referencing, . . . . . . . . . Check you cover everything you looked at in class (and anything you didn’t get to Cody D) Data Analysis Conclusion
Success Criteria I know where to start with my investigation