August 17-21
August 17, 2015 Agenda: Recap Rome Notes, Mankind: The History of Us video, Stamp work (Honors-Fall of Rome Post-It note activity.) Pick up a copy of the video we will watch today from the back table. Fill it out as we go along. I will stamp this, and your Rome notes at the end of class.
August 18, 2015 Agenda: Recap material for quiz, Quiz on Rome, Review quiz (if time allows) Directions: Use the sticky note I have given you to label your phone. You will get it back at the end of class. Get out your notes from Rome and the video we watched yesterday. Read them and ask questions about any part of the material you feel needs reviewing as a class. You may also want to get out a sheet, or two, of loose-leaf paper for the quiz. *If you do not hand over your phone for quizzes and tests in this class, then you can not take the quiz or test given.*
August 19, 2015 Agenda: Pretest Directions: Use the sticky notes I have given you to place your phone in the box. You will get your phone back at the end of class. If you do not give me your phone, then you will not get the test, and not get credit for the exam. Students who score “Fair”, “Good”, or “Excellent” on the pre-test will earn 5,10, and 15 bonus points respectively in the class. Good Luck!
August 20, 2015 Agenda: Bellwork, Early Middle Ages Notes Bellwork: Begin a new section of notes titled “Early Middle Ages”. Copy and answer the following questions and terms: Terms: Charlemagne, feudal system (feudalism), serf, fief, vassal, manorial system, canon law Guiding Question(s): Why did the feudal system emerge in Europe? What is the connection between the feudal system and the manorial system? Who held supreme authority in the Christian church in most of Europe during the Middle Ages? What were the church’s sources of wealth in the Middle Ages? How was the church’s organization similar to that of a modern government?
August 21, 2015 Agenda: CNN Student News, Early Middle Ages Note, Wrap Up Bellwork: CNN Student News-While we watch the news you must write complete sentences about at least three topics discussed on the news today. A short class discussion will follow.