Language, Gender and Power
Encultured Each of us is encultured. This is a life-long process in which our identities are formed. We learn gendered identities of what it is to be a man or a woman, and we learn those behaviours that society encourages, sanctions or condemns. It is through language that a great deal of enculturation occurs. Language can work to reflect social life, but also as a social fact to construct it. Consider the language we use with little children, both boys and girls. How do they differ? What impression of gender are they reinforcing or promoting?
Boy or girl Toy?
Boy or girl toy?
Language and Power How would you explain the meaning of gender and power? Discuss with a partner. Which of the following two words do you prefer – Mankind Humankind Does it make a difference which word you use? Consider the following words: Stewardess Waitress Usherette Notice the use of bold affix in each. What is the effect?
Language and Power Consider the following titles that sometimes prefix the name of men and women : Mr Mrs Miss Ms Explain the apparent gender imbalance. Does it matter? Post-it activity