WORD PAIRS By: María and Andrea
Definition and types Expression linked by a conjunction. 1-Word pairs joined by and 2-Word pairs joined by or 3-Word pairs with alliteration 4-Rhyming word pairs 5-Word pairs joined by other words
1- Word pairs joined by and Neat and tidy Clean, organised, tidy Her room is always very neat and tidy Sick and tired Someone at the point of losing his/her patience I´m sick and tired of our neighbours. I´m going to call the police! Short and sweet Something of minimum length and no longer than the necesary Your speech was short and sweet. I think it was perfect Wine and dine Entertain someone with a good quality meal The advertising agency always wines and diner their top clients Up and down Moving between the same two points repeatedly We drove up and down the same street for 10 minutes Odds and ends Small items of different types of little importance There’s nothing important in those cupboards, just a few odds and ends.
EXERCISE I´m of your behaviour. When will you stop bothering everybody? There are lots of places in the city where a person can enjoy … Your speech was really touching, . It was the best! Our car drove … the whole day till we found the street The bag found in the park held his clothes and …….
Skin and bone: to be very thin «That dog is all skin and bone» Loud and clear: clear and easy to understand «You don´t have to shout – I can hear you loud and clear» Back and forth: moving first in one direction and then in another «The dirver´s job consists mainly of going back and forth between the hotel and the airport all day» By and large: as a whole «Not all the food in the restaurant is fantastic, but by and large it´s very good»
It is horrible to see young mothers who are …. Can you please talk .. ? I can´t understand what you´re saying He is going all day ……. From his house to university They are not all hard-working, but …. the average is quite good.
Word pairs joined by or MAKE OR BREAK Success or failure, nothing in between The next mach is make or break. If we lose we´ll have no chance! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT Your last offer Seven hundred dollars is my last offer- take it or leave it! SOONER OR LATER Something will definitely happen, although it is not known when If you lie, people will find it out sooner or later MORE OR LESS aproximately The repairs of the car will take a week- more or les
This next match is ……….. If we don´t win , there is no chance for us to pass to the next round I have to go in half an hour, so think about it now. This is my last offer: ……. You cannot hide your marks to your parents. They will find out …… The wedding dress costs, …………, 1,500 dollars.
Ifs or buts: something said to a child to stom them arguing with you «I want no ifs or buts – tidy your room now» Sink or swim: succeed or fail by your own efforts «When we started the business, it was sink or swim» Like it or lump it: accept a situation you do not like «Like it or lump it, there is no resolution»
No ………, no question about it. These are literally ……….. times It is not open to discussion, so ……… this is the way it works.
Part and parcel An essential part of something Long hours of travelling are part and parcel of being a football player Safe and sound Not in danger in any way The missing boy returned to his family safe and sound Rules and regulations Laws, rules, legislation The rules and regulations in prisons are very strict Live and learn To learn from experiences You mean I can get a discount because I´m under 20? Well, you live and learn! Bread and butter Sustenance Gardening is my bread and butter right now Chop and change To keep changing your opinions, activities, etc After months of chopping and changing, we´ve decided to go back
The ………. of the jury are this way The ……….. of the jury are this way. So if you don´t want to be punished behave in the trial It will be nice to hear that they have arrived and that they are all ………. ……….., right? Expectations are a good thing when placed correctly. In other words, they didn't ………..their investment plans. They were so poor they didn´t even have money for ……..
Hustle and bustle Noisy activity caused by people, usually in cities There´s always lots of hustle and bustle at the market Wear and tear The decrease in value of something because of its age The wear and tear on his knees means he can no longer play football Willy-nilly Randomly, without orden The product sold badly because the salesmen travelled to customers willy-nilly without any strategy
I love the …………..of everyone around me. You can see the ………… all over his body. He is so old He answered to the test………….. , because he had not studied.
Back to front When the back of something faces the front You´ve got your t-shirt on back to front! Step by step To do something methodically Follow the indications and step by step you will learn Slowly but surely Carefully, in order to avoid problems Slowly but surely we made our way down the hillside
EXERCISE Write 5 sentences with different word pairs