Population Density
Density Number of individuals per unit of area Calculation: Pointe Claire - 1,597.7/km2 Alexandria - 16.6/km2 Yellowknife - 177.7/km2 Montreal - 4,439/km2 China - 6,480/km2 Calculation: Population Density= Factors: Food, water, climate, disasters, disease
From latin communitas meaning fellowship Communities From latin communitas meaning fellowship
Biodiversity Describes the variety of species living in a community Measures: Species richness Number of species Relative abundance Number of individuals of a particular species Biodiversity is high when: relative abundance is similar and when species number is high
Interactions - Competition (Rivalry) interaction between living organisms that seek access to the same resource in their habitat Intraspecific Occurs between those of the same species Interspecific Occurs between those of different species
Interactions - Predation (Robbery) Interaction between two living organisms in which one feeds on the other Parasitism is a form of predation The parasite draws its food from the host by living inside of on its surface The parasite gains, the host is harmed
Interactions - Mutalism (borrowed) Interaction benefiting both organisms Example: flowering plants and pollinating species that feed off the nectar Interaction benefits the plant which reproduce through pollination, pollinators which feed of the flowers
Interactions - Commensalism (Sharing a table) Interaction between two organisms in which one organism benefits from the relationship while the other remains unaffected Example: birds in human environment. They benefit from the vast availability on our environment, and we are seemingly unaffected (not harmful or beneficial).