Diplomacy and Foreign Policy statecraft raison d’etat the idea that the state amounted to more than its ruler; thus,….. machpolitik (power politics) implies irrelevance of morality in the conduct of international relations …….or national self-interest Foreign policy a government’s policy governing international relations with other countries foreign policies generally are designed to help protect a country's: national interests (country's priorities & goals re: what’s best for the country), national security, ideological goals, and economic prosperity This can occur as a result of peaceful cooperation with other nations (diplomacy), or through aggression, war, and exploitation Different countries or regions are said to possess certain diplomatic styles, which sometimes reflect cultural differences Ex. Trump v. Trudeau? ‘Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?’ May 25, 2018 – in response to Trudeau’s concerns
Canada as a Middle Power (and beyond?) post WWII Cold War Canada emerged as a leading "middle power," assuming the role of peacekeeper and negotiator in international disputes In reality – Canada aligned most often with US/Western Alliance Prime ministers remained prominent in international affairs, taking part in visits from foreign heads of state, world tours, treaty negotiations, and other activities Diefenbaker – Cuban Missile Crisis Pearson – UN, ‘Peacekeeping,’ Vietnam War P. Trudeau – Denuclearization, China, Cuba Legacy of the Cold War? Canada’s role diminished? Alliance Systems? continuities evident in recent diplomacy? Trump as an agent of change? Wither multilateralism? Concert Diplomacy the idea that great powers ‘tried to avoid war, protect the status quo and, if this was impossible, to arrange for change by multilateral agreement’ Realpolitik? Are states the only relevant actors in the international sphere? UN? NATO? G7? WTO? Are states the most effective when it comes to diplomatic activity?
Summit Diplomacy Under what circumstances is ‘summit diplomacy’ likely to be effective? Churchill coined the phrase…..postwar feature? Bilateral Multilateral ‘Diplomatic Socialization’ builds international society? Group of Seven (G7) Meeting – Quebec, June 8-9, 2018 Est. 1975 – Fr, Br., USA, Italy, Japan, Germ., Canada meets annually to discuss economic and trade issues also, enviro, int’l security, and other issues as they arise Trump administration has enacted sudden decision to place tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico and EU (attendee at G7) 25% duties upon steel, 10% upon aluminum entering USA Effective June 1, 2018 G7 finance ministers met this past weekend in Whistler, BC in lead up to summit – unanimous rebuke of US trade policy Effective July 1st, Canada responding with matching tariffs on a host of products entering Canada from US Trade War? Is the G7 an effective, relevant organization if USA refuses to engage, participate in multilateral approach? Are we seeing the failure of ‘globalization?’ A return to isolationism?
Public Diplomacy the ways in which governments attempt to influence public opinion ‘soft power’ winning the ‘hearts and minds’ of the people Seduction more powerful, effective than coercion? ….but, attraction can turn to repulsion if we act in an arrogant manner and destroy the real message of deeper values….. Role of Culture? the branding of diplomacy? competing cultural values? Emergence of new technologies…… new type of public diplomacy? Aim is not so much to indirectly influence governments, but to shape the attitudes of other societies in a more direct state to society intervention…….more often this occurs covertly. Brexit? 2016 US Presidential Election? Propaganda? What is the line between public diplomacy (usually perceived as a positive thing) and propaganda (usually perceived negatively)?