Bellringer: Dec 16 In your notebook with your notes for this lesson, Summarize what we know so far about the film.
Submitting Your Essay Final copy on top. Rough drafts and revision copies next. Essay directions LAST. The scoring guide should be facing out. If you don’t have your essay to hand in at this moment, you must fill out a pink slip explaining why. Do not write that you didn’t understand the directions or that you left your odd day materials at home or that you left the paper sitting at home or that you sent it, honestly!
Today WE will finish READING the film. If you zone out, you will have a difficult time completing the assignment with any kind of depth. You’ll probably answer very superficially. Don’t wonder why you score low on the assignment with a superficial answer. Phones out will result in your removal from class. I don’t care that you’re texting your mom. Tell your mom you can’t have your phone out in class and to save the texts for lunch.
How far did we get? Period 1 finished the film and we began to analyze Period 3 and 5 did not finish the film – we have about 10 minutes left.
Ticket Out Who do you have the most sympathy for from the film? Explain why including an example. This is a verbal ticket out.
How can we determine the truth when storytellers manipulate the way the story is told? A: Information Given – - What information did you find the most valid? - Who seemed to have his or her own agenda in telling the story? - Who seemed to have the most to gain in the telling of the story? - What kinds of relationships did the storyteller seem to have with each source?
How can we determine the truth when storytellers manipulate the way the story is told? B – Sequence of the Story - Create a timeline of Diane Polley’s life. - Why did the storyteller jump around with certain events? - What was a surprise in the story? - What was a connection she made between events that were not sequential?
How can we determine the truth when storytellers manipulate the way the story is told? C: Mode of Storytelling - What types of evidence did the storyteller use? - How did she organize the evidence? - Was this only a narrative? Was it a description without a plot? Was this an exposition (one side of an issue)? Was this an argument (two sides of an issue)
What is the Message that Polley is making in her film? Think in terms of a THEME. Let’s start with possible topics: Love, Truth, Parenting, Life, Family… Now think about what she’s saying about ONE. Use universal terms, not specific to this one film and this one situation.
Now, let’s brainstorm. Start by stating what her “truth” is – look at what you wrote for the previous slide. Now, how does the type of information and the validity of her sources help us to see this truth? How does the sequence of her film help us to see this truth? How does the mode of her film help us to see this truth?
Now, let’s write our responses. Start by identifying what the message or “truth” is from the film. Now state that Polley manipulates the information, the sequence, and the mode of her story in order to create this truth. Now go through each of the categories. Give examples of each and explain how the manipulation of each helps us to see the truth. Connect the dots like I can’t read your mind. See the rubric to help.