Tips for Success 1) Come to School! 2) Come to Class on Time! 3) Be Prepared to Learn! 4) Be Respectful!
To be "on time" to class, a student must do the following: I) Tardy Policy To be "on time" to class, a student must do the following: 1) Be in his or her seat before the classroom door is shut 2) Have all necessary materials out on his or her desk 3) Be prepared to complete a “Warm-Up”
I) Tardy Policy If a student earns five tardies. 1) The student will meet with all team teachers during Related Arts block. 2) The student will serve detention during SOAR. If a student is tardy more than five times. 1) The student will be referred to an administrator. 2) The student will meet with teachers, administration, and parents.
II) Unprepared for Class A student is unprepared or has to borrow materials. The student will enter his or her name, the date, and materials borrowed (paper, pencils, etc) in the Book of Borrowing. Once a student is unprepared five times for a single teacher. 1) The student will meet with all team teachers during Related Arts block. 2) The student will serve detention during SOAR.
III) Refusal to Complete Tasks The student will be asked to refocus his or her attention on the assigned task. First Offense The student will again be asked to refocus his or her attention on the assigned task. Second Offense The assignment will be collected and the student will complete it during SOAR period. Third Offense
IV) Cell Phone Policy William Monroe Rule Upon entering the classroom, each student’s cell phone will be OFF and out-of-sight unless otherwise specified by the teacher. A phone is OFF if it is NOT… 1) on 2) on vibrate mode 3) on silent mode 4) on airplane mode
IV) Cell Phone Policy First Offense Second Offense Each student gets one “free pass” for cell phones in each class. First Offense Second Offense The student will give his or her phone to the teacher. At the teacher’s discretion, the student will earn his or her phone back: 1) at the end of class 2) at the end of the day 3) at the end of the day from an administrator.
Examples: Cell Phone Offenses IV ) Cell Phone Policy 1) Student will give his or her phone to the teacher. Third Offense 2) A parent or guardian will have to pick the phone up from school. 3) The student will be referred to administration for insubordination. Examples: Cell Phone Offenses 1) Phone makes audible sound during instructional time. 2) Any use of a phone that is not authorized by a teacher: i) Texting ii) pictures iii) making/receiving calls iv) games v) music
Multiple Daily Offenses Behavior Action Plan CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 CYCLE 3 1st Offense “Yellow Card” This is a nonverbal method of asking the student to cease disruptive behavior. Multiple Weekly Offenses A student earns two timeouts in core classes during a one-week period. The student has caused 12 disruptions to class resulting in the following actions by team teachers. 2 Lunch Detentions 2 Timeouts 2 Parental Contacts. Referral A student who has earned three Timeouts in a given period will receive a discipline referral with the team’s suggestion for discipline. Administration will organize a meeting with the student’s parents in order to address issues with student behavior. 2nd Offense Hallway Behavioral Clinic The teacher holds a brief conference with the student in the hall. Team Meeting The student must meet with all team teachers to discuss the incidents and how to improve behavior. 3rd Offense Lunch Detention; Student’s name is added to Behavior Log on GoogleDoc. S.O.A.R. Detention The student will serve detention during S.O.A.R on Friday afternoon. Multiple Daily Offenses A student who has already been assigned a lunch detention and commits another three offenses in another class during the same day is sent to Timeout. Parental contact is made by one of the team teachers.