Bellwork- Lesson 1 Please pick up your composition books on your way into class then complete this bellwork: Jot down some of the ways in which adults– parents/guardians and school officials- regulate their behavior. For example, do adults regulate what clothes you can wear, music you listen to, food you can eat, time you must wake up, your activities for that day… etc. Next, write a sentence on how it makes you feel to have adults regulate those behaviors. Write a sentence describing why adults believe such regulation is necessary.
Chapter 11-The Executive Branch at work Cornell Notes
Cornell Notes You will be reading pages- 338- 345 Please fill out your cornell notes that you picked up on your way through For every heading you must fill in AT LEAST 3 bullet points. These bullet points need to explain what you just read. You are chunking each section You will also be filling out your vocabulary with definitions from each section Feel free to make sketches if that helps you with your notes After you have completed your Cornell notes you will completely answer the 6 questions at the end