Opener – 5 minutes Copy the following terms/definitions into your notebook: Paleolithic Era – period of the Stone Age that began about 2.5 to 2 million years ago, marked by the earliest use of tools made of chipped stone. Foragers – a group of people who survive by hunting and gathering over a large region. Linguistic Artifacts – artifacts that are written language or have writing. Non-linguistic Artifacts – artifacts like stone tools or human remains.
What do you think the term Paleolithic means? Paleolithic Age What do you think the term Paleolithic means? “old stone age”. In your notebook, write what it might mean for early humans during this time period. What kinds of humans? What types of tools and weapons?
Paleolithic Age 250,000 – 10,ooo years ago This is the time frame of the middle of the Paleolithic Age and the development of homo sapiens. Perspective: The modern Industrial Age occurred during the mid-1800’s. Less than 1% of all of human history. Paleolithic Age is MUCH longer and humans used stone and their primary tool material.
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age Look at the page, “Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age”. Work with a partner to create a list of possible uses for artifacts #1 and #2.
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age Work with your partner to answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age What limitations did they have?
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age What did they allow humans of this time period to do in terms of domestic, social and economic activities?
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age Are these artifacts enough evidence to confidently describe the activities of early humans?
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age What kind of lifestyle did these people have? Nomadic or sedentary, hunter or farmer?
Artifacts of the Paleolithic Age What challenges do archeologists and anthropologists have when trying to interpret these artifacts?
Stone Age People of the Stone Age were foragers. What other kinds of tools would you expect foragers to create? Spears Knives Other weapons Cutting tools Unfortunately, little information is available about the humans who lived during this time. By looking a various artifacts and cave art, historians, anthropologists and archeologists and piece together an understanding of Paleolithic life.
Foraging Lifeways Preview Questions Work with a partner to quickly brainstorm some ideas to answer the questions. Record your answers!! You will only have 90 seconds to do this!! Work quickly!!!
Foraging Lifeways - Jigsaw You will work with a partner to summarize important ideas that you read about in each passage. You and your partner must become an expert on your passage and help the class by explaining the most significant information you learned. You and your partner will have 5 minutes to master your passage.
Foraging Lifeways - Jigsaw When your classmates present their information you will need to take notes by writing the important information on the right- hand side of the page. You will also be recording at least one question that you still have or something that you don’t quite understand from each passage.
Paleolithic Cave Dwelling and Mammoth Bone Housing Look at the pictures on each page. You will be creating a T-Chart to compare these two shelters.
Paleolithic Cave Dwelling and Mammoth Bone Housing Materials? Ability to move shelter to follow animals? Protection from weather and animals? Close to food and water?
Paleolithic Cave Dwelling and Mammoth Bone Housing Which shelter would be most desirable? Which would be easier to obtain? Which one would you want? Why?
Closer Quiz On your opener paper, answer the following questions: What impact did climate, vegetation, and game likely have on tools, lifestyle, and housing for Paleolithic humans? What would they need in order to develop more permanent housing structures?