Decision Making
Decision making model notes Today’s Agenda Bell-ringer Quiz Decision making model notes Decision making in Mental Health Emergencies Journal Reflection
Objectives Define decision making Identify one point as to why decision making is important List the 6 subskills of the decision making process To learn about effective decision making and the consequences of choices To practice making good decisions
So What is Decision Making? The cognitive process of making a choice A position, opinion or judgment reached after much consideration The process of mapping the likely consequences of decisions, working out the importance of individual factors, and choosing the best course of action to take.
Why is it such an important skill? To avoid risky & dangerous situations Dealing with peer pressure The choices teens make may drastically affect not only their own lives, but the lives of others as well
Common Decisions Teens Make: What to wear to school What to eat for lunch Which homework to do first What to do on the weekends What to do during study hall What movie to see
More Serious Decisions What classes you want to take in high school If you will experiment with drugs/alcohol What type of job do you want Who you hang out with
IBEAR Decision Making Model I : Identify the situation B: Brainstorm alternative solutions-choices E: Evaluate choices - consequences for each- weigh PRO’S AND CON’S A: Act on your decision R: Re-evaluate – Did you make a good choice? We’re you happy with it?
Dr. Ran D. Anbar
I B E A R Step 1: IDENTIFY – what is the problem? what type of situation are you in?
B - Brainstorm Step 2: Brainstorm - possible choices. What are the different ways you can deal with the situation or problem?
E = Evaluation Step 3: Evaluation - Determine the value of something After Brainstorming comes Evaluating – what are the possible outcomes. This is where you list the positive and negative results of the choice. However, some are more risky than others – that’s why it is important to STOP, LIST, EVALUATE before you ACT.
A is for ACT Step 4: ACT – Decide what you are going to do and take ACTION> but first ask yourself the following just before you act on it
ONLY YOU KNOW THAT ANSWER!! 5. Re-Evaluate Step 5: Re-Evaluate - re-evaluate your choice. Reflect on the experience you had as a result of your choice. Were you happy? Would you do the same the next time? ONLY YOU KNOW THAT ANSWER!!
Let’s Practice……. Remember I B E A R HELP!