Watching Clouds Part 3
Daily Objective There are three main types of clouds: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Clouds are made of water drops. Wind moves clouds in the sky.
Vocabulary Cloud - A group of very tiny water drops in the sky Cirrus - High, thin, stretched-out clouds composed of ice Cumulus - Big, fluffy, cotton-ball-looking clouds at low to middle heights in the atmosphere Stratus - Huge, expansive layers of gray clouds that hang low and fill the sky
Introduction Suppose there was a person who had never seen a cloud. How would you describe a cloud to them? Today we are going to learn about the main types of clouds.
Observation and Discussion Cumulus clouds are big and fluffy. They mean fair weather if they are sprinkle across the sky. They can mean a storm when they are large and begin to cover the sky.
Observation and Discussion Cirrus clouds are high and thin, usually seen during fair weather.
Observation and Discussion Stratus clouds are low and gray. They can stretch over the whole sky and bring light rain or snow.
Observation and Discussion Lets take a trip outside to view the clouds and draw what we see. What kind of clouds do we see today in the sky?
Observation and Discussion Clouds and Wind What makes clouds move? If the wind is blowing very hard, what happens to the clouds? What do you think clouds are made of?
Vocabulary Review Cloud - A group of very tiny water drops in the sky Cirrus - High, thin, stretched-out clouds composed of ice Cumulus - Big, fluffy, cotton-ball-looking clouds at low to middle heights in the atmosphere Stratus - Huge, expansive layers of gray clouds that hang low and fill the sky
What We Learned Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Wind water __________ clouds look like feathers or cobwebs. _______________ clouds are big and fluffy. __________ clouds stay low and cover the sky. __________ makes clouds move. Clouds are made of drops of __________ in the air. Cumulus Stratus Wind water