Independent Travel Training Independent Travel Training provides young people with individual and practical help to enable them to travel independently by public transport, on foot or by bicycle from home to school or college.
Why do travel training? Travel training has been proven to be beneficial in enabling greater access to transport, education and employment opportunities for young people. However, travel training goes far beyond simply facilitating an individual to make a trip from A to B. The outcomes are wide ranging and transcend many key policy areas, including:
Independent Travel Training Accessibility Transport & Road Safety Education Health Employment Social Services By improving access to jobs, education, services and recreational facilities, travel training supports the objectives of promoting equality of opportunity and independence. Travel training also enables people to travel in a more sustainable way (i.e. by public transport, on foot or by bicycle).
What are the benefits of travel training? The benefits of travel training go far beyond the remit of transportation, as the positive impacts are far reaching and lifelong. The beneficiaries of travel training include: Learners Parents and carers Trainers Statutory agencies Schools and colleges and the wider community.
Independent Travel Training Benefits to Learners Increased independence and confidence, and improved self esteem. Increased opportunity to participate in social and leisure activities and generally broadened horizons Improvement to general health and well-being, improved quality of life Enhanced educational performance Potential for recipients to gain a qualification and or recognition on completion of the training Increased opportunity to access healthcare services Increased opportunity and likelihood of entering employment
Independent Travel Training The main benefit to parents and carers is a reduction in care responsibilities, enabling greater participation in education, employment and leisure activities. The benefits to schools/colleges include: More engaged, motivated students who require less support. Learning opportunities associated with increased independence which would not otherwise present themselves, such as learning about attendance and punctuality, and attending excursions.
Independent Travel Training Swindon Borough Council now have Independent Travel Trainers in the following schools:- Uplands / Uplands Educational Trust Crowdys Hill Sixth Form Commonweal St Lukes Tracy Fisher SEN Travel Adviser can also offer Independent Travel Training
Independent Travel Training The Process Swindon Borough Council Forms Used By All Trainers:- Independent Travel Training Enquiry Form Independent Travel Training Student Meeting Independent Travel Training Journey Plan Independent Travel Training Parent Meeting Independent Travel Training Referral (used if there are any issues/concerns regarding challenging behaviour etc.) Independent Travel Training Practical Assessment (Bus or Walk) Independent Travel Training Trainees Feedback Independent Travel Training Parent Feedback Independent Travel Training Final Report Independent Travel Training Certificate Hand out examples of these forms.
Independent Travel Training The Process The schools with Independent Travel Trainers will identify young people who would be suitable for travel training. An Enquiry Form should be filled in and this starts off the whole process. The trainer arranges to meet with the young person and a Student Meeting Form is completed. The trainer then studies the route and completes a Journey Plan Form. The next step is for the trainer to meet with parents/carers to explain the Independent Travel Training Process and gain permission for training to take place and agree a start date. A Parent Meeting Form is completed.
Independent Travel Training The Process The travel training commences at the agreed time and date - the trainer completes the Practical Assessment (Bus or Walk) Form daily. A Referral Form is only used if there are any concerns regarding challenging behaviour and a risk assessment will be carried out. When the travel training is complete (the time this takes is different for every young person) and the trainer is confident that the young person is now a confident independent traveller the trainer will contact another trainer who will shadow the young person on their route from home to school. At this point if the young person demonstrates a good knowledge of their route and any traffic hazards etc. they will complete the Final Report.
Independent Travel Training The Process The Final Report will be sent to the family and school. The young persons will be asked to complete Trainees Feedback Form and the family will be asked to complete a Parent Feedback Form. The Travel Training Certificate will be issued by the school to the young person. Independent Travel Training can also be used to gain for example The OCN NI Entry Level Certificate in Independent Travel Training (Entry 3) (QCF) qualification has been designed to provide learners with a learning disability an opportunity to develop practical and life orientated skills needed in order to work and travel. It is intended for individuals with low literacy skills who have limited independent travel skills and road safety awareness. Learners who are successful in this programme will be able to access and participate more actively in employment, training, social and leisure opportunities.
For more information about Independent Travel Training contact Natalie Trant SEN Travel Advisor Mobile: 07929012190 Email: