Graduate Education Strategy Group Charts from three sources of data: NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates Ohio State University Graduate Stipend Survey UU Office of Budget and Institutional Analysis Organized into two sections: Data for institutions nationwide Data specifically referencing UU
Data for institutions nationwide
UU not among top 20 (number of doctorate recipients) in any broad field
Note: Legend order is opposite to stacked bars
Note: Legend order is opposite to stacked bars
US Doctorates by employment sector
Error bars reflect standard deviation 1985-2015
Data specifically referencing UU
Informal feedback from various individuals across UU campus suggest that this data is of limited utility, as it likely reflects extrapolation of support through 12-month periods, which may greatly overestimate actual support received. GESG distributed the data for transparency, which if nothing else, will highlight the need for improved reporting for increased accuracy.
Informal feedback from various individuals across UU campus suggest that this data is of limited utility, as it likely reflects extrapolation of support through 12-month periods, which may greatly overestimate actual support received. GESG distributed the data for transparency, which if nothing else, will highlight the need for improved reporting for increased accuracy.
Error bars reflect stdev or range across depts
Error bars reflect stdev or range across depts