OPT requirements 4 or 5 students per group, randomly assigned Equal speaking parts for all members, including the college senior 15 formal (usted or ustedes) commands, may be written on note card to be used during presentation Use text on profession ID card as basis for lines— anything not on ID card or commands note card must be memorized. The ID card should be a GUIDE to the presentation—DO NOT READ from it! Props and/or costumes are encouraged—prizes for the best dressed girl and boy in each class Must be ready to present on February 20 (Thurs.)
Presentation rubric Unsatisfactory Below average Unsatisfactory Below average Average / above average Superior Vocabulary (25) Inadequate vocabulary, many mistranslations that interfere with meaning Basic vocabulary used, mistranslations may interfere with meaning Presentation displays appropriate but basic vocabulary Presentation displays abundant and appropriate vocabulary Grammar (30) Extensive errors with commands; unclear usage that interferes with communication and presentation quality Errors with commands; little other variety of grammar structures; errors may interfere with presentation quality Good use of commands, may have minor errors; good use of other structures; some errors that do not interfere with presentation quality Solid use of commands; variety of grammar structures; minor errors do not interfere with presentation quality Presentation (30) Reads from ID card, minimal audience engagement Reads from ID card; more reading than engagement Refers to ID card; authentic audience engagement Solidly memorized with authentic audience engagement Creativity and quality (15) Presentation lacks creativity; may not meet requirements and seems to be put together hastily Presentation meets minimum requirements with little or no enhancements Creative and enjoyable presentation; may have props or costumes Creative and unique presentation enhanced with relevant props and/or costumes