How successful were Labour Government domestically between 1997 and 2007? Starter: “As history has shown us; the real enemy for a Conservative leader like May isn’t those across from you – the Foots, Kinnocks and Blairs – it’s those who are sitting behind you.” Stephen Fry, 2018 What do you think Stephen Fry means by this comment? Think of examples to prove him correct.
Learning Task One “New kind of politician” “Moderniser” “Relevant in the modern world” “Charismatic leader” “Comfortable with media” “Extremely adept” “Ordinary person” “Casual clothes” “Rock band” “In touch with the electorate” “Ability to tap into what people were thinking” “Popularity soared” Read the opening two paragraphs of p.180 of the textbook. Make a list of all words and phrases which suggest Blair was a successful politician.
Learning Task Two On your diagram handed to your by your teacher, on the outer circle identify the strengths and limitations of Labour’s policies in the following areas: Devolution Parliamentary Reforms Citizens Rights Domestic policies Northern Ireland
How successful was devolution? + Referendums were held in 1997. The Scottish electorate voted for a Scottish parliament and devolved tax-raising powers. Led to the creation of a Scottish Assembly based on proportional representation. + Welsh Assembly established in 1997, but with less powers. + Northern Irish Assembly set up in 1998 after Good Friday + Elected mayors were introduced for London in 1999. + Further devolution referenda e.g. North-East (although rejected) Devolution did not lead to support for Labour. SNP and Plaid Cymru continued to gain support. Introduction Mayor of London opened the city up to left-wing influence e.g. Blair blocking Ken Livingstone in 2000.
How successful was parliamentary reform? + Freedom of Information Act passed in 2000 gave people the right to request information from public bodies. Extremely popular (especially with media) as over 100,000 requests by 2006. + European Convention on Human Rights incorporated into British law by Human Rights Act (1998). Showed government willingness to respect human rights and European integration. Commission led by Roy Jenkins in 1998 to reform voting system did not lead to change. Freedom of Information Act described as mistake by Blair as it led to politicians not making difficult decisions as they feared people would find out. Human Rights Act resulted in some judges misinterpreting EU law. Attempt to reform House of Lords was a failure. Rather that abolish it, it was cut to 92.
How successful were domestic policies? + More specialist schools encouraged and funded. + Showed tough stance on crime by introducing longer prison sentences and Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) +Pumped money into public sector e.g. teachers, nurses and doctors. 48% increase in funding per pupil. 35,000 more teachers, teachers pay increased by 18%, 172,000 more teaching assistants. 1 adult per 11 children. Blair disappointed in slow progress by domestic reforms. Rising fuel prices led to a blockade in 2000 by farmers and lorry drivers. People in countryside felt Labour were too urban and didn’t understand their issues. Long battle with Countryside Alliance and House of Lords over plans to ban hunting with dogs. In 2002 500,000 people marched in London against the plan. Children rights campaigners argued that asbos were disproportionately used to target young people.
Learning Task Three Using the information on pp.183-184, as well as the economic data pack provided to you by your teacher. Complete the planning sheet for the following question: “Labour governments were successful in terms of economic policies between 1997 and 2007”