Culture Get the FACS
We all have a culture! Culture Culture is the way of life of a given society, passed down from one generation to the next through learning and experience We all have a culture!
The Iceberg Theory of Culture
Intercultural Learning Appreciation / Valuing The Path of Intercultural Learning Multiculturation Selective Adoption Appreciation / Valuing Acceptance / Respect Understanding Awareness Ethnocentricity – believing your own way is the only way Ethnocentricity
Defining Multicultural Define ‘multi’ Many Various Different Multicultural: diverse ways of life
Stereotypes Stereotypes involve generalizations about the "typical" characteristics of members of the groups. Jane is a female, so she probably has characteristics x, y, z, .......
Prejudice attitude toward the members of some group based solely on their membership in that group (can be positive or negative)
Discrimination actual positive or negative actions toward the objects of prejudice