COMPONENT 2: EXAM GUIDANCE Media Forms and Products in Depth Written examination: 2h 30m 35% of qualification (90 marks)
COMPONENT 2: THE EXAM THE COMPONENT 2 EXAMINATION ASSESSES: Media Language + Representation + Media Industries + Audiences + Media Contexts THE COMPONENT 2 EXAMINATION CONSISTS OF 3 SECTIONS: Section A – Television in the Global Age Section B – Magazines: Mainstream and Alternative Media Section C – Media in the Online Age FOR EACH OF THE 3 COMPONENT SECTIONS QUESTIONS CAN BE: One Two-Part Question or One Extended Response Question 30 MARKS PER SECTION – 50 MINUTES FOR EACH SECTION
TELEVISION: IN THE GLOBAL AGE: Media Forms and Products in Depth Written examination: 2h 30m 35% of qualification (90 marks)
TASK 1 (CATCH-UP) KEY TERMS TECHNICAL AREAS: Camera – ? Editing – ? Sound – ? Mise-en-Scene – ? OTHER: ?
TASK 1 (CATCH-UP) KEY TERMS TECHNICAL AREAS: Camera – Movements (tracking, zooming, tilting, panning, steadicam, hand-held) – Framing (ELS, LS, MLS, MS, MCU, CU, BCU, ECU – Angles (birds eye view, worms eye view, high/low angle, canted, wide angle, two shot, over the shoulder, point of view, establishing shot). Editing – Continuity – Montage – Straight Cut – Transitions – Cross-Cutting - Quick Cuts – Long Takes – Elliptical Editing – Cutaway – Eye line Match – Match on Action – Shot/Reverse Shot – Reaction Shot. Sound – Non/Diegetic – Silence – Mode of Address – Soundtrack – Score – SFX (background, foley, design) – Dialogue – Voiceover – Direct Address. Mise-en-Scene – Costume – Props – Lighting – Setting – N.V.C. OTHER: Enigmas, Denotes, Connotes, Signifies, Dominant Stereotype, Subverted Stereotype, Supports/Challenges, Dominant Ideology…
TASK 2 (CATCH-UP) THEORIES MEDIA LANGUAGE: Todorov – Theory Name? - Details? Neale – Theory Name? - Details? Levi-Strauss – Theory Name? - Details? Barthes – Theory Name? - Details? REPRESENTATION: Bell-Hooks – Theory Name? - Details? Butler – Theory Name? - Details? Van Zoonen – Theory Name? - Details? Hall – Theory Name? - Details? Gilroy – Theory Name? - Details?
TASK 2 (CATCH-UP) THEORIES MEDIA LANGUAGE: Todorov – Narratology – Narrative Stages – Equilibrium – Disruption – Disequilibrium – Recognition – Attempts – Resolution – 5 Stages. Neale – Familiarity with Innovation – Genre – Audience Expectations – Predictability – Conventions – Sub-Genre – Follow – Challenge – Subvert – Develop – Pleasure – Gratification – Formulaic – Generic. Levi-Strauss – Structuralism - Binary Oppositions – Social Validation – Contrast – Juxtaposition – Superior – Inferior – Ideology – Difference. Barthes – Semiotics – Study of Signs – Denotation – Connotation – Ideology – Subconscious Meaning – Wider Social Meaning.
TASK 2 (CATCH-UP) THEORIES REPRESENTATION: Bell-Hooks – Feminism & Intersectionality – Struggle – Patriarchal Oppression – Political Commitment – Ideology of Domination – Race – Class – Gender – Inequality – White Feminism. Butler – Gender Performativity – Biology – Determination - Social Construction – Repetition – Ritual – Subconscious – Natural - Gender Expectations – Influences – Indoctrination – Social Norms – Conformity – Masculine/Feminine – Traditional Roles – Subliminal – Engrained. Van Zoonen – Feminism - Objectification – Voyeurism – Passive – Active – Sexualisation – Spectacle – Striking Physical Display – Narrative Codes – Construction – Male Pleasure – Dominance – Patriarchy. Hall – Stereotypes – Reduction – Simple Traits – Victims – Power Structures – Underrepresentation – Misrepresentation – Dominant – Oppressed – Ideology – Signs & Symbols – Othering – Reality – Imbalance of Power.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) STRUCTURE P1. Intro: Outline question and structure of essay. Introduce theory and key points – use terminology Introduce Humans/The Returned – consider genre – give summary/facts. P2. Application 1: Describe a point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from the text (supported with technical areas). How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) P3. Application 2: Describe another point from the theory in detail. Create an argument in your discussion where possible Add additional application paragraphs as appropriate P4. Conclusion: Summarise the relationships between the theory and the text. Ensure to refer back to the question and answer it fully.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) EXAMPLE QUESTIONS Apply the theory of narratology to The Returned (S1E1). In terms of genre, how does Humans (S1E1) provide ‘familiarity with innovation’? Discuss how binary oppositions are created in The Returned (SE1E1) and the ideological significance of their social validation. How could representation be analysed in Humans (S1E1) from an intersectional perspective? Critique the concept of gender performativity, with reference to The Returned (S1E1). Discuss the disparity between the representation of male and female characters in Humans (SE1E1). Provide an analysis of the use of stereotypes in The Returned (S1E1), making reference to power relationships.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) STRUCTURE P1. Intro: Outline question and structure of essay. Introduce theory and key points – use terminology Introduce Humans/The Returned – consider genre – give summary/facts. Q). Discuss how binary oppositions are created in The Returned (SE1E1) and the ideological significance of their social validation.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) STRUCTURE P2. Application 1: Describe a point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from the text (supported with technical areas). How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) Q). Discuss how binary oppositions are created in The Returned (SE1E1) and the ideological significance of their social validation.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) STRUCTURE P3. Application 2: Describe another point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from the text (supported with technical areas). How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) Create an argument in your discussion where possible Add additional application paragraphs as appropriate Q). Discuss how binary oppositions are created in The Returned (SE1E1) and the ideological significance of their social validation.
TWO-PART QUESTION (25 MINUTES - 15 MARKS) STRUCTURE P4. Conclusion: Summarise the relationships between the theory and the text. Ensure to refer back to the question and answer it fully. Q). Discuss how binary oppositions are created in The Returned (SE1E1) and the ideological significance of their social validation.
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) STRUCTURE P1. Intro: Outline question and structure of essay. Introduce key theories and key points – use terminology Introduce Humans and The Returned – consider genre – give facts – provide brief comparison. P2. Application 1: Describe a point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from Humans (supported with technical areas). Apply an example from The Returned (supported with technical areas). Give a comparison if appropriate (how do the texts relate differently to the theory?) How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) P3. Application 2: Create an argument in your discussion - Add additional application paragraphs as appropriate P4. Conclusion: Summarise the relationships between the theory and each text. Summarise the differences between the two texts in terms of the theory. Ensure to refer back to the question and answer it fully.
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) EXAMPLE QUESTIONS Compare the devices used to emphasise a sense of disequilibrium in The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1). When considering The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text provides a more conventional representation of its genre conventions? Consider The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1). Which text has a greater reliance on binary oppositions to produce meaning? Provide a comparison of representations in The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1) from an intersectional perspective? Consider The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text is seen to give a more traditional representation of gender roles & performance? Discuss the disparity between the representation of male and female characters in The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1). Provide an analysis of the use of stereotypes in The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), making reference to power relationships.
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) STRUCTURE P1. Intro: Outline question and structure of essay. Introduce key theories and key points – use terminology Introduce Humans and The Returned – consider genre – give facts – provide brief comparison. Q). When considering The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text provides a more conventional representation of its genre conventions?
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) STRUCTURE P2. Application 1: Describe a point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from Humans (supported with technical areas). Apply an example from The Returned (supported with technical areas). Give a comparison if appropriate (how do the texts relate differently to the theory?) How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) Q). When considering The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text provides a more conventional representation of its genre conventions?
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) STRUCTURE P3. Application 2: Describe a point from the theory in detail. Apply an example from Humans (supported with technical areas). Apply an example from The Returned (supported with technical areas). Give a comparison if appropriate (how do the texts relate differently to the theory?) How does the text relate to the theory? (support/challenge/follow/subvert/demonstrate…) Create an argument in your discussion - Add additional application paragraphs as appropriate Q). When considering The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text provides a more conventional representation of its genre conventions?
EXTENDED QUESTION (50 MINUTES - 30 MARKS) STRUCTURE P4. Conclusion: Summarise the relationships between the theory and each text. Summarise the differences between the two texts in terms of the theory. Ensure to refer back to the question and answer it fully. Q). When considering The Returned (S1E1) and Humans (S1E1), which text provides a more conventional representation of its genre conventions?