Mrs. Inman’s Class Classroom Newsletter Week of December 3rd Dates to Remember Tues., Dec.. 11: Christmas Craft Shop Fri., Dec. 14: Popcorn Day Fri., Dec. 21: Early release @ 12:05 Fri. Dec. 21: Classroom Christmas Party at 9:00 a.m. Mon. Dec. 24-Fri., Jan. 4: NO SCHOOL. Christmas Break Classroom News In our classroom, I always have students wear all winter wear home at the end of our school day. I don’t know how long the walk is from their bus to the house/daycare. I do make exceptions IF I get a note from home. So…..if you would like your child to only wear his/her coat home. Please specify also about boots/shoes. A sign-up sheet will be coming home soon for Christmas party snacks and helpers. Be on the look-out for that Mrs. Inman Email address: Morley Stanwood Elementary Website: 4808 Northland Drive Phone Number: 231-856-7684 (ext. 3110)
What We’re Learning Next Week Spelling Words chin chip much chop rich chick match pitch What We’re Learning Next Week Reading: sequence of events Phonics: Digraphs ch, tch, possessives, word family -atch Writing:. recipes Math: Unit 4: Length and addition facts.. Social Studies: Continue Unit 2: Community Helpers Thank You I’d like to give a huge thank you to our classroom families. Your donations keep our class running smoothly. Without you we’d have a lot of spills that never got cleaned up and a very messy snack time. You are very appreciated! Kid-of-the-Day Monday – Maddysin Tuesday –Drew Wednesday – Haillee Thursday – Joyce . Friday – Dylan