Achieving Leadership By: Aubrey McMahan I had the pleasure of meeting two wonderful leaders in my life. One is one of my teachers from McLennan Community College, the other my boss in ABC clinic. Although both are different people, while talking with them had very similar thought processes of how to lead and how to do it well.
Questions asked: What are your traits in being a good leader Define leadership Your style of leadership What is leadership Personality traits good leaders are the most consistent with Your philosophy of leadership Viewpoints with attending to tasks and relationships with people Characterizing your leadership role Your opinion of what it takes to be a leader in a veterinary practice What are some of the visions that you have that could help improve the clinic? They were interviewed individually and were asked questions such as: “Define leadership, What is leadership, what are your traits in being a good leader, your philosophy of leadership, personality traits good leaders are the most consistent with, viewpoints with attending to tasks and relationships with people, your style of leadership, Characterizing your leadership role, your opinion of what it takes to be a leader in a veterinary practice, and finally closing with the question, what are some of the visions that you have that could help improve the clinic? All of these questions came from Northouse’s chapters that we have gone through this part of the semester.
Carrie Kuehl Define being a leader. Style of Leadership: Director of Animal Birth Control Clinic Recognizing traits: She is a person who doesn’t take drama, stays focused on the goal “defluff” and an encourager. Define being a leader. “A good leader listens well, and while bringing the group together to achieve the same goal, to lift individuals as well as the group.” Style of Leadership: Democratic/Authoritative “It depends on the situation. There are time when different styles are needed and again for different situations. There is never just one style.” Carrie is the director of Animal Birth Control clinic. She is a no-nonsense leader who doesn’t take drama, encourages her staff, and helps us stay focused on what our goals are. When asked what she thinks a good leader is her response was, “someone who gives people confidence and encourages others to work together.”
“A leader leads from behind not in the front.” Henry Ford Sue Allen Director of McLennan Community College Recognizing traits: Encourager and a listener to her students. But she also try's to keep people focused. Define being a leader. “A leader gives clear communication of those involved, is an example, and encourager” Style of Leadership Democratic/slightly Authoritative leadership style. “One needs to gently push not shove people to do things. A leader is well educated (not just in education) in their business, knows the in’s and out’s of situations, and is able to resolve conflict.” “A leader leads from behind not in the front.” Henry Ford Sue Allen is the program director of MCC veterinary technician program. She is an encourager to all of her students with a democratic, semi-authoritative leadership style all to her own. Through this type of leadership, she is an amazing person to be taught under and to be lead by. She is also someone I can call friend.
What is Leadership? Northouse explains leadership as: Carrie Sue “A process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (6). Carrie “Having the ability to listen well and to try bringing the group together to achieve the same goal. Also boosting individuals up while lifting the group as a whole helps as well.” Sue “Having a clear vision and goals for whatever business and including people in that vision. Being flexible and adjusting, being open-minded, and having good listening skills.”
Carrie’s response Sue’s response What type of personality traits do you think good leaders are the most consistent with? Carrie’s response “A good leader gives people confidence and encourage others to work together.” Sue’s response “A good leader has to be a people person. I think someone can be an introvert and still be a leader. Also, a good leader is able to work with different people and constantly work on communication skills.” “Great leaders are those who have led through their unique talents in different circumstances (18).” Being an encourager provides people with confidence and good communication helps everyone accomplish the same goals.
What is your philosophy of leadership? Carrie “Understanding people. This allows a leader to encourage others, to focus on the common goal, and the reason why behind it.” “This philosophy affects how others respond to you, how they respond to their work, and , in the end, how effective you are as a leader” (47). Understanding how people think helps one to understand their team. Understanding the team helps a person understand how to reach their goals.
Personality and Relationships with people Carrie “One has to be a bit of both of having tasks and social skills with people. Some days require being more social for meetings other days may require helping out around the clinic more. It is good to switch tasks, there needs to be a balance.” Sue “A leader needs to be a people person. Also from my experience, you can be an introvert and still be a good leader. Also, being able to work with different people. I am currently working on better communication skills.” These were examples to provide a point that one should not be focused on only one task. Expand your options and keep in touch with those around you.
What does it take to be a leader in a veterinary practice? Carrie “My focus would be to strengthen a skill that I am weak in. You have to know the busyness to be informed but not enough to be the vet or vet tech. If you are to close to something, it will prevent you from asking. Do not be afraid to ask. Make sure your work is good for presentation. Selflessness is important.” When asked this question, she focused on how to improve herself followed with how to prevent pride from swaying one from doing a task properly.
What are some of the visions that you have that could help improve the clinic? Carrie “My hope is that since this is a charity function, to hopefully expand to other counties and other cities in the future, all the while being full funded. All of this and not taking away busyness from other vets. The goal is to only lower the unnecessary births.” Sue “Helping people to know there is a program in MCC to become a vet tech. Increasing student ration (increasing how many students come to MCC), student success rate and in national exams. We are here for student success.” As a whole both believe in team effort, encouragement, and constant expansion of where they work. Both of these leaders unknowingly agree that the end goal is to expand and create a better place for people than where they found it.