Warm Up – March 11 10 Minutes to review for your test on Political Parties and Elections
After the Test… Bring your test and answer sheets up to my desk Grab a handout from the front and use the links for the Senate and House of Representative on today’s date on my website to complete it NO MUSIC, NO PHONES, CAN USE YOUR CHROME BOOK TO RESEARCH BUT NEEDS TO BE QUIET UNTIL EVERYONE IS DONE WITH THE TEST
Presidential Debates If your candidate won their primary – you are helping them prepare for the debate Make sure they can answer any questions about your party’s stances on taxes, immigration and gun control They also need to be aware of the other party’s stances on the same issues so they are ready to respond to what the other candidates are saying Prepare a closing statement that your candidate can read at the end of the debate – their last chance to win people’s vote If your candidate loses their primary – you are preparing questions to ask the candidates Work with your group to create questions so everyone does not have the same questions Must have one question for each party for each issue (write the party and issue for each question – For example: Green Party – Immigration)
TOD – March 11 On a post it – Which candidate do you believe best understood and explained their stance on the major issues and won the debate? You must write one paragraph to support your choice
Unit 4: Legislative and Executive branches Senate and the House of Representatives
Legislative Branch Use the links for the Senate and House of Representatives on my website to fill in the chart
TOD – March 11 Answer the following questions on a post it: What is the job of the Legislative Branch? How many years are in a Senator’s term? How many for the House of the Representatives? Who votes for Senators? Who votes for members of the House of Representatives? Who does a Senator represent? Who does a member of the House of Representatives represent?