Detail on Measurement
The Important Stuff 2.2lbs = 1kg 5miles = 8km 1inch = 2.5cm 1 foot = 30cm 1¾ pints = 1litre 1 gallon = 4.5litres (or 11 gallons = 50litres) Also… 1 litre = 1000cm kg = 1 tonne (not ton, note later)
Imperial Measurements 3 feet = 1 yard 8 pints = 1 gallon 12 inches = 1 foot 14lbs = 1 stone 16oz = 1 lb 8 furlongs = 1 mile 22 yards = 1 chain 1760 yards = 1 mile Length that a horse can pull a plough before it needs a rest Length between creases on a cricket pitch. a standard chain
Imperial Distance Inch () Foot () Yard (yd) Chain (ch) Furlong (f) Mile (mile) x 12 x 3x 22x 10x 8 A thumb A foot Nose to fingertip
Imperial Weight (mass really) Ounce (oz) Pound (lb) Stone (st) Hundredweight (cwt) Ton (t) x 16 x 14x 8x 20 Actually 112lbs 1 ton = 2240lbs 1 tonne = 1000kg c = 100 Given that 1kg is actually lbs, which is bigger: a ton or a tonne?
This is UKThis is USA US gallon = UK gallon As for other countries…? Imperial Volume Fluid Ounce (fl oz) Pint (pt) Quart (qt) Gallon (gall) x 20 x 2x 4 x 16x 2x 4 Americans buy ice cream and milk by the quart Same for pints, take note!
Today we use new pence because there used to be old pence. However, it wasnt pence, it was pennys. It wasnt p (as in 5p), it was d (as in 12d) (Yes, even though it was pence, or pennys) Farthing (¼d) Half-penny (½d, Hapenny) Penny (1d) Three-penny-bit (3d, Thrpennybit, Thrpenny Joe) Six-penny-bit (6d, a Tanner) Shilling (1/-, a Bob) Two Shilling (2/-, a Florin) Half-crown (2/6) Crown (5/-) Ten Shilling Note (10/-, Ten Bob Note) Pound Note (£, Nicker) Furthermore… A pound note was 240d or 20/- or 8 half crowns. 1 shilling was 12 pence (12d) or 5 new pence A guinea was 21 shillings (£1.05 new) Money. Now then… x 2 Two shillings & sixpence (2 / 6)! x 2 x 3 x 2
Money Exchanges What is the cost of 2½ dozen articles at thrpence 3 farthing each? What is the cost of 5 dozen bread rolls at sixpence hapenny each? (hint: what shop would you be in here?) Please remember to write your answers using the correct denominations of currency!
Were nearly done How tall are you? How far is it to the nearest big city? How wide is the room? Whats your weight? How heavy is your textbook? What may one order at a pub? How big is a large bottle of Coke? Think things were confusing? Well they still are… Imperial Metric Imperial Metric Imperial Metric
Minutes and seconds are just measurements of time? No. They are also measurements of angle: 1 minute = 1/60 th of a degree 1 second = 1/60 th of a minute Talking of measurements of time, traditional Japanese clocks have 6 hours, count backwards, use numbers 4-9 and have varying lengths of hour! (See here)here All this and we didnt even get to mention Rods, Poles, Perches, Bushells, Pecks, Ells, Cubits, Acres, Troys, Quadrapods, and Gills! The last slide
Answers to the Questions A ton is equivalent to 1016kg, so is bigger than a tonne. 2½ dozen articles at thrpence 3 farthing each would cost 9 and 4 pence hapenny. 5 dozen bread rolls at sixpence hapenny each would cost £1, 12 and 6. This is 60 rolls although the baker would have made 65.