Computer Lab Rules Mrs. Mertz
Treat everyone and everything with respect! Stay quiet while the teacher is talking. If you have a question, raise your hand. Keep your hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself. Use appropriate language. Be careful by the computers. Sit correctly in your chair. Do not roll around in your chair.
Be responsible for yourself and your things! Get to class on time with the materials needed (agenda, pencil, login, and password). Leave the class only when Mrs. Mertz asks you to do so. Do not go in Mrs. Mertz’s back room unless you are asked to do so.
Follow the directions the first time they are given! Do not eat or drink in the computer lab near the computers! If I hear or see your gum, you will be asked to throw it out!
Consequences 1st time: Warning 2nd time: lunch detention/call parent 3rd time: after school detention/call parent 4th time: referral write up