Adapted from The Big Book of Virtual Team Building Games Alphabet Pyramids Adapted from The Big Book of Virtual Team Building Games Stephanie Seely
Create a Scorecard Individual Group Team
Alphabet Pyramids Round 1: You will see a pyramid that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. You will see this pyramid for 10 seconds. While the pyramid is shown, your job is to memorize as many letters as possible in the order and shape that you see them in the pyramid. You may not write while the pyramid is on the screen.
Alphabet Pyramids Round 1: Part II Write down in pyramid shape as many letters as you remember, in the same location you saw them in the pyramid. You have 10 Seconds.
Alphabet Pyramids Scoring for Round 1: Add up the number correct for each person and divide the total for the group by the number of people in the group to get an average individual score.
Alphabet Pyramids Scoring for Round 1, Part II: Count how many letter you got correct as a group. If anyone in the group got a letter correct, you can count it, but each letter can only be counted one time.
Alphabet Pyramids Round 2: You will see another pyramid that contains all of the letters of the alphabet, similar to the first, but the letters will be in a different order. For this round you can meet with your team to plan together how you want to memorize the letters. You will see this pyramid for 10 seconds. You may not write while the pyramid is on the screen.
Alphabet Pyramids Round 2: Part II Write down in pyramid shape as many letters you remember, in the same location you saw them in the pyramid. You have 10 Seconds.
Alphabet Pyramids Scoring for Round 2: Count how many lettera you got correct as a team. If anyone in the team got a letter correct, you can count it, but each letter can only be counted one time.
Discussion Meet with your team and discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share what your team talked about.
Questions What is the difference between working as an individual, a group, and a team? What makes a good team? What are some challenges of working with teams? What can be done to overcome these challenges?