Bell ringers What countries are Hispanics from?.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell ringers What countries are Hispanics from?

Latin America US Imperialism spreads

Map of Central America

The Panama Canal Benefits to the US French started the canal but went bankrupt & 22,00 deaths(1881-1889) Benefits to the US Faster, cheaper shipping between two coasts Strengthening two-coast navy “The shortcut”

BUILDING THE PANAMA CANAL 1904-1914 U.S. tries to purchase of French lease ($40 million) Columbia owns Panama at this time & rejects the lease American support for Panamanian revolt (1903) Colombian senate’s rejection of U.S. offer (99-year lease, $10 million payment and annual rent of $250,000) Cost- $380 million Workers– Over 40,000 (5,600 died) Time – Construction took 10 years

Panama Canal

Panama Canal

Panama Canal’s locks

Almost 1,000,000 ships have passed through the canal, which became sole property of Panama in the year 2000

Panama Canal steam shovel

Panama Canal steam shovel

shipping containers on in a Panama Canal lock

President Roosevelt sitting on steam shovel in canal zone

Policing Latin America Roosevelt Corollary (1904) U.S. right to police misbehaving, unstable Latin American countries 1. control of Dominican Republic’s finances (1905) 2. U.S. troops in Cuba to stop revolution (1906) 3. Preventing European military intervention to collect debts

Cartoon of Roosevelt Corollary

Taft’s “dollar diplomacy” business investments (roads, railroads, harbors) in Latin America U.S. bank loans to Latin America willingness to intervene militarily to protect U.S. investments more trade Marines sent to Nicaragua to protect U.S. businesses (1912) against revolution

Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” policy

Canal Video Try to find one online

Class work: Show the bias! Create a political cartoon showing the US as a positive or negative influence in Latin America during this time. Include something that represents the US & something that represents Latin America