Good morning!!!! You have your vocab quiz today


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Presentation transcript:

Good morning!!!! You have your vocab quiz today I will be collecting “thematic map, hierarchical diffusion, region, and idiographic” for bonus points! Turn those in at 8:22! Good morning!!!!

When you finish… Make a stack of quizzes on the table next to the door MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT Pick up the paper that is on the table/thing When you finish…

How to answer a Free Response Question (or FRQs as they are commonly known)

An AP Human Geography FRQ is NOT an essay An AP Human Geography FRQ is NOT an essay. There is no need to restate the question or to provide introductions or conclusions. You could provide them if it seems useful, but no points are awarded for them. Though difficult in practice, it’s time to learn that you use different writing for different situations. It is also not a bulleted list of facts. You need to provide a narrative, coherent series of paragraphs that is convincing. No points are given for bulleted outlines. Tips before-hand

"Most students who do poorly on AP level tests do know much of the information but are not answering the question correctly." --Barbara Ramsey, AP Reader and AP approved trainer

Reading the Question It’s a SNAPP! Subject – Find the specifics about the main subject. One part might be regurgitating knowledge, but it’s not going to be a simple spit out information. Number of Parts – How many sections and answers are necessary within the section? Action Words – What are you being asked to do with the subject? Period and Place – Find the exact period and the locations that are requested. Make sure that your answer is within those bounds! ! – Vocabulary words – Look for vocabulary words! Start out that section’s answer by defining them! Reading the Question It’s a SNAPP!

I don’t care how smart you are (or how smart you think you are I don’t care how smart you are (or how smart you think you are.) ALWAYS PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Pre-Plan In class, do it right on the paper. On the test, do it right in your book. If a point is not clear in your FRQ answer, a reader can refer to your plans to clarify it if you haven’t crossed it out. They don’t grade your plan, but can use it to clarify something in your FRQ. So never cross anything out, simply check it off! Planning!

Label the parts of the answer with A, B, C, etc Label the parts of the answer with A, B, C, etc. It will help you keep the organization going and follow your plan. (It will also make it easier for the reader to understand, which is never a bad thing either.) As you answer the question, check off each part in your outline as the you write it into your paragraph. That makes it so you don’t forget any parts of the answer you already thought up. Put the best answers first, less great answers further on. Just like we always have homework, WE ALWAYS GIVE EXAMPLES! Writing the answer!

Explain it like I’m a Sevie An important part of writing is knowing your audience! Whether it’s me or the AP reader, we are not your actual audience, we know this stuff already. Explain everything! Even basic points should be explained (this will also help you actually get to a decent length in your answer.) Don’t assume that the reader knows what you’re talking about Explain it like I’m a Sevie

After you complete the FRQ answer You’d probably like to just put your head down and go to sleep. DON’T! Check your FRQ answer compared to your outline – make sure that you didn’t forget anything. Read through your FRQ answer making sure it makes sense. It’s easy to leave out a word or two especially when writing under pressure. After you complete the FRQ answer

It’s easier than you think!!! NEVER leave anything blank.  Figure out what unit it came from and write something related to that unit. Help the reader out!!!!  A) blah, blah blah.  B) blah, blah, blah.  Write neatly! Leave space between your section answers. Circle what it is asking you to do…“identify” vs. “describe” vs “compare/contrast ESPN:  is it an Economic, Social (population and culture), Political, or Natural (environment dictates) question?) Underline key words so that you know you’ve used them and so the reader sees the point you are making. If you are going to guess on an example etc…prioritize.  Best answer first. Double check your map skills!!! If it asks for an example from SE Asia, don’t write about Japan! Remember readers can only GIVE points, they can’t take points. It’s easier than you think!!!