Wrt 205: critical research Dr. Rusty Bartels Monday, March 18th, 2019 Week 9, Day 1
Overview Freewrite Workshop Wrap-up
Freewrite What have you done to make headway on your primary research? What have you done to make headway on your secondary research?
Workshop – Q1 What is your topic of research and research question(s)? What do you know about your topic right now? What do you still need to find out?
Workshop – Q2 What have you done to make headway on your primary research? What have you learned from your primary research? What do you still need to do?
Workshop – Q3 What have you done to make headway on your secondary research? What have you learned from your secondary research? What do you still need to do?
Workshop – Q4 Which assignment will you turn in Friday — your primary research results or your annotated bibliography? Is this what you had planned? What do you still need to do for Friday?
Workshop – Q5 What has the research process been like for you? Helpful? Frustrating? Complicated? Why? Have you had to change your questions, approach, topic, etc. In any way?
Workshop – Q6 What do you need to do to complete your Primary Research Results? Your annotated bibliography? What’s your plan for doing so?
Freewrite What did you learn about your research process and research stage from today’s conversations? What are you turning in this Friday? What still needs to be done to turn in your composition for Friday, whether it’s the Primary Research Results or the Annotated Bibliography?
Wrap-up Today we: Workshopped our research process Next time: Reading: links on course website Annotated Bibliography Friday: first “conducting research” portion due