Router configurations setting VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Router configurations setting Name: MOHAMMED ALI AL-SALMAN ID: 202624031 Name: MOUSA KADEHM AL-SAEED ID: 202624003 18/10/2016
General overview VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Fined the router IP address. Defined the default password and username. Choose a strong password. The different types of encryptions. Change the password and SSID. MAC address filtering and Block. 18/10/2016 Page 1
Objectives VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Explain how to find the IP address of your router. Explain how to find the router default username and password for the web page. The best way to choose a strong passwords. Show the different types of encryptions. Explain how to change the password and SSID. Present how to enable MAC address filtering. 18/10/2016 Page 2
Fined the router IP address VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Fined the router IP address There are many different ways to figure out what your router IP address is. One quick method is to open a Windows command prompt and then use the command line tool ipconfig. 18/10/2016 Page 3
Defined the default password and username VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Defined the default password and username If You Don not Know the password and the username you can use the website to find the default password and username. 18/10/2016 Page 4
Choose a strong password VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Choose a strong password 1- Not less than 10 characters: Create a long password with 14 to 20 characters. 2- mixture of letters, numbers and symbols. Letters: A,B,a,b….. Numbers:1,2,3,4…. Symbols:` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? / 3- Don’t use one word 18/10/2016 Page 5
The different types of encryptions VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting The different types of encryptions 18/10/2016 Page 6
Change the password and SSID VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Change the password and SSID SSID stands for Service Set Identifier, and is a string of up to 32 characters 18/10/2016 Page 7
MAC address filtering and Block VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting MAC address filtering and Block 18/10/2016 Page 8
VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting Practical 18/10/2016 Page 9
References VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting References 18/10/2016 Page 10
Test Online VP-FLT-FLT. Router configurations setting 18/10/2016 Page 11