How to do your Vocabulary for Mr. Gathman’s English class. words, Words, WORDS! How to do your Vocabulary for Mr. Gathman’s English class.
Draw this in your notebook for future reference. Vocabulary Term: My Understanding: + - X In My Own Words: Draw: My Connection(s):
Write the vocabulary word. vo·cab·u·lar·y [voh-kab-yuh-ler-ee] noun, plural vo·cab·u·lar·ies. 1.the stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons Write the vocabulary word. Vocabulary Term: Vocabulary My Understanding: + - X In My Own Words: Draw: New Information: Rate how well you know the word: + = Know the word well = Heard it, and know the meaning - = Heard it, but unsure of the meaning X = Never heard the word
Write a definition in your own words Vocabulary Term: Vocabulary vo·cab·u·lar·y [voh-kab-yuh-ler-ee] noun, plural vo·cab·u·lar·ies. 1.the stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons Write a definition in your own words Vocabulary Term: Vocabulary My Understanding: + - X In My Own Words: Vocabulary is the list of words that a person (or groups of people) know. Draw: My Connection(s): On The Big Bang Theory, the characters have quite large vocabularies that include many scientific words that I don’t understand. Many rappers, like 2Pac, have large vocabularies and use them in order to make their raps have greater flow and a deeper meaning. Draw a picture of what the word means to you. Connect the word to another class, book, movie, song, etc.
Your First Vocabulary List: Hooray, Vocab! Your First Vocabulary List: Decision Responsibility Foresight Initiative Morals Compromise Conflict Respect Values Printable Vocabulary sheets are available on the class website: ALL Vocabulary Assignments must be Handwritten! Due A: 9/3, B: 9/4