The Voyageurs Life
Intense rivalry soon escalated between the two fur trading companies. –The Northwest to 1870– Intense rivalry soon escalated between the two fur trading companies.
Canoes, Boats, and the Portage –The Northwest to 1870– Canoes, Boats, and the Portage In the Northwest, the NWC relied on canoes to move goods. These canoes were made of birchbark stretched over a wood frame.
Canoes, Boats, and the Portage –The Northwest to 1870– Canoes, Boats, and the Portage Canot de Maitre: 11 metres long and a 1.5 metres wide, Carried about 4000 kg of cargo, and Paddled by crew of 12, and For the journey from Fort William to Montréal.
Canoes, Boats, and the Portage –The Northwest to 1870– Canoes, Boats, and the Portage Canot du Nord: 7 metres long and a metre wide, Carried about 1500 kg of cargo, and Paddled by crew of 6.
Canoes, Boats, and the Portage –The Northwest to 1870– Canoes, Boats, and the Portage The HBC developed the York Boat. It was about 13 metres long, Could be rowed or sailed by a crew of 6 to 8, Could carry a cargo of 3000 - 6000 kg. Shortcoming: Difficult to portage.
Canoes, Boats, and the Portage –The Northwest to 1870– Canoes, Boats, and the Portage To get from one river system to another, or if waters were not navigable, voyageurs would have to portage.
HBC NWC Headquarters in Montréal “Stay at the Bay” Had to deal With short season due to ice Top-down hierarchy Had partners run the Business (hivernants) who shared the profits. Relied on Natives to bring furs to trading posts Furs all were destined For Europe “Factors” were British Employed voyageurs and explorers Did not bargain in deals Both relied on First Nations for trade Alcohol was not involved in trades Established a depot at Fort William Both used river valleys To transport goods by Boat. Most trade activity was In area surrounding Hudson’s Bay Encouraged marriage With FN women Both moved further West to get furs Headquarters was in London Traded alcohol For fur Employees were on salary Allowed bargains