3 Kinds of Memory Episodic- specific event Semantic- memory of facts Implicit- learned habits and practiced skills
Amnesia = retrograde and Anterograde
3 Stages of Memory Sensory – immediate initial recording of data through our senses Short-Term Memory (STM) –fades after several seconds (15-30) Remembering someone’s name Trying to solve a math problem Long-Term Memory (LTM) –you remember something for longer than just a few seconds Sensory- ionic=visual eidetic=photographic memory echoic memory- lasts longer than visual memory STM Primary affect- we remember the first thing better- recency effect= last is easiest to remember LTM- more info than encyclopedia or computer hard drive.
Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. In other words, it's a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. chunking- organizing information into groups to help you remember
If you can read this, the reasoning is that your brain tries to make sense of words, so even if letters aren’t in the right order, or if they aren’t even letters your mind tries to make sense of what you’re seeing
SCHEMAS- how we organize bits of information into knowledge Another way your brain tries to explain what’s going on around you is you use schema I went to the grocery store and I bought…. Each person. And you repeat what the last people have said. Then try mneumonic devices- a, b, c, d, e, f … Catch phrase