U.S. History Day 12 Objective 2.01
Do Now If you were the leader of a new country, how would you go about getting new land? What effect do you think this land would have on your country?
I. Reasons for Going West Objective 2.01
A. Economic Reasons Many resources available out West – land and coal. Most importantly – GOLD! Forty-Niners (49ers) – Groups of people who traveled West (usually California) in hope of finding gold.
B Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny - U.S. has God-given right to expand coast to coast and spread its ideas and beliefs. Phrase coined in 1844, but a strongly held belief since independence.
C. Expansion of Slavery Many Southerners wanted to expand slavery for two reasons: More land where they can make more money. What had happened that made the need for land and slaves increase dramatically? More “slave states” meant more power in Congress – people who would help keep slavery in the U.S.
II. America Expands Westward Objective 2.01
Stations Using the information from the stations, create a chart like this to get information on how the U.S. expanded its nation. There are also questions at each station for you to answer and write in your notes. Recommendation: make the answers to each question an outline heading.
Picture for Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase
Florida and Oregon
Texas and the Southwest
Exit Ticket 1) Which of the following would have most likely been an opinion held by James K. Polk? a. “The Oregon territory is as much the property of Great Britain as it is the U.S. Therefore, we must be sure not to offend the British and remember that they, too, belong in Oregon.” b. “It is the destiny of the U.S. to expand all the way to the Pacific. If Mexico will not sell us their territories north of the Rio Grande, then we will force a war and take them.” c. “We have Texas, that is enough for now. If we push Mexico too hard, we might face a war we are not prepared for.” d. “It is not right for white settlers to force their will on the Indians. Therefore, we shall seek to buy the Oregon territory from the tribes that currently live there.”
Exit Ticket 2) Which of the following describes the main mission of the Lewis and Clark expedition? a. To explore American possessions in California, with the hope of finding gold b. To scout the Native American tribes of the South, in preparation for making war against them c. To secretly cross the border into Canada, with the plan of expanding American territory to the north d. To make a scientific, geographic, and anthropological survey of the lands included in the Louisiana Purchase.
Exit Ticket 3) Choose one of the major territory gains the U.S. had from 1800-1850. Explain what territory the U.S. gained and how they acquired it.