Mr. Schaeffer Social Studies SS-HS-4.1.1 Renaissance Mr. Schaeffer Social Studies SS-HS-4.1.1
Leading to Renaissance What were the Crusades Plague Population Decline Trade Decline, Increase in Prices Serfs left manor higher wages Revolt Jewish people were blamed from bringing the plague Holy Wars Civil Wars
Renaissance Expression Writing, Art, Thought Def.- Rebirth Education & Learning Rebirth of Greece and Rome Northern Italy Florence Ideas: Classical Thoughts, Language, Location
Humanism Human Potential and achievement Arts and Humanities What is the meaning of the term Secular Patrons Supporter Church Officials, Merchants, Wealthy History, Art, Literature, Philosophy Lost Worldly
“Renaissance Man” Universal Man The Courtier, Baldassare Castiglone Charming, witty and educated Dance, sing, play music, write poetry, skilled rider, wrestler, swordsman
Art in Perspective Raphael – Marriage of the Virgin, School of Athens Michelangelo Statue of David , Sistine Chapel Donatello Sculptor Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa Last Supper Quiz
Books, Books and more Books Johann Gutenberg Creator Printing Press Mass Production Cheap Books Bible Popular Reading materials Greater rise in literacy
Literature Niccolo Machiavelli – The Prince Political guide Gaining power Trickery
Writers reform society Thomas More – Utopia Perfect World – No greed, No need for personal gain Christine de Pisan Women fighter William Shakespeare- Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Taming of the Shrew