Social Studies Extra Credit Find a current event article Print it out and read it! Or use one of the ones I have supplied! Write one paragraph summarizing the current event. (at least 6 sentences) Write another paragraph discussing what you think of the current event. (at least 6 sentences) Staple the current event to your response or write the website. Pass them in for up to 4 extra credit points. If your current event relates to what we have discussed so far in Social Studies… Add another extra point! You can do as many as you want! You can do it throughout the whole year!
Language Arts Extra Credit Read a chapter of a book, a newspaper article, or a series of 3 poems. Write a paragraph summarizing what happened. Write a paragraph explaining what your opinion of the chapter, article or poems. Turn it in for up to 5 points extra credit. You can do this as many times as you want! Lasts the whole school year!