Bellwork: What could you not live without??
The Jamestown Settlement: Part 2 *Adapted from PPTs available through Pearson online textbook
• Virginia Company • Tobacco • James River • Bacon’s Rebellion • John Smith • Indentured servants and slaves • Pocahontas • Powhatan • The arrival of women • John Rolfe • House of Burgesses • “starving time” Standards: 8.2 Trace and explain the founding of Jamestown, including: (E, G, H)
Efforts of the Virginia Company: - Kept sending more colonists Despite the hard times, Jamestown began to prosper. Efforts of the Virginia Company: - Kept sending more colonists Why was this necessary?? - Offered land to colonists - Sent new leaders to restore order
Efforts of the Colonists: - Found a dependable source of income Despite the hard times, Jamestown began to prosper. Efforts of the Colonists: - Found a dependable source of income What might that be?
- It was very popular in England - This success drew new colonists Despite the hard times, Jamestown began to prosper. Tobacco - It was very popular in England - This success drew new colonists Why would tobacco be dependable?
The Tobacco Industry Not all the new colonists could afford the trip Problem: Workers needed in the fields Solution?
Slaves (but not many) - were not slaves for life Indentured Servants Rich people would pay their way to colony Servants would work off their debt (usually 7 years) Permanent slavery for Africans was not established in Virginia until the late 1600s.****
In 1619, Virginia’s lawmaking body, the House of Burgesses, was elected. (First representative government in North America)
Virginia’s population grew gradually, but by 1670, 40,000 people lived there. White Population Native American Population But as Virginia’s white population grew, its Native American population shrank.
In 1607, there had been 8,000 Native Americans in Virginia. By 1675, only 2,000 Native Americans were left. Why? Disease and Violence
BUT IT DIDN’T STOP THERE… In 1622 and 1644, violence broke out - Farmers wanted more land - Native Americans wanted to keep their land. BUT IT DIDN’T STOP THERE…
Virginia’s governor declared the settlers rebels; In 1675, Nathaniel Bacon organized 1,000 settlers to kill Native Americans for their land. Virginia’s governor declared the settlers rebels; Bacon burned Jamestown Bacon’s Rebellion ended, but colonists kept taking Native American Lands.
Causes of Bacon’s Rebellion Land and Voting Rights Poor, young, white men could not get farmland near the coast because wealthy Virginia tobacco planters bought it all. Without property, men could not vote. Many poor colonists moved inland to find good farmland, but they had to fight Native Americans for it. Politics Poor colonists asked the governor to force the Native Americans to give up their land. The governor did not want to disrupt the fur trade with Native Americans.