Make sure you are reading when the bell rings! Independent Reading Make sure you are reading when the bell rings!
Vocabulary A. 1. interloper- one who moves in where he or she is not wanted 2. extricate- to free from entanglements 3. castigate- to punish severely Homework Journal: due Weds. Write about something you consider beautiful. Use imagery and figurative language. Fill the page!!
Reminders… If you are absent…. If you miss a quiz… If you don’t do your homework, you cannot get credit for doing it during Independent Reading or Journal. These are REAL class assignments, not a free time or catch up time. You are responsible for following directions.
Save your returned work “It helped me to visualize” “It lets the reader know what was happening” “the diction was good.” “Lots of good imagery.” THESE ARE NOT WAYS TO DESCRIBE THE IMPACT OF DICTION OR IMAGERY. TOO GENERIC.
Paradox Review: Old Man Paradox Examples: Stuck in a hell full of angels The man is a filthy angel Angel wings infested with parasites An old man with enormous wings Angel was important yet not a big deal to anyone “noise of the stars disturbed him” Supernatural creature but a circus animal
Paradox Review: Old Man Oxymoron Examples: Dead angel Sleep walker Happy with fatigue Winged man Stellar parasites Flesh and blood angel Celestial conspiracy
Paradox Review: Old Man Contrast Examples: People thought the old man was an angel and a devil Day and night/ ash gray glimmered “Sun and rain caused the collapse of the chicken coop” Sea and sky as a single gray thing Spider girl vs. the angel “turning the old house into a new one” Brown grime against white wings
Paradox Review: House Taken Over Paradox Examples: The brother and sister live by themselves, but not really because there is something taking over the house. “silence both unsettling and comforting” They accept the loss of the house calmly “you can live without thinking” “I couldn’t move… I was trembling”
Paradox Review: House Taken Over Contrast Examples: Brother and sister Hot and cold Side taken over vs. side not taken over “Irene was content. I was lost.” Knitting vs. demons Life and death Door open vs. door closed Pretty cross for one so sweet
#14 Soft Rains 9/8 Is the story anti-science? What eventually destroys the house and all of its technology? What argument is being made in this piece? How do the stylistic devices you annotated contribute this argument?
Which Story Will You Choose? The Lottery What of This Goldfish, Do You Wish A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings/ House Taken Over (the one you read) The Wife’s Story There Will Come Soft Rains Start on the plan sheet.
For Tuesday: Please bring your INDEPENDENT READING BOOK. Make sure you have the story of your choice (so bring textbook or workbook if needed) Any paradox sheet/ other questions- please turn back in