The Code of Napoleon 1804
The Code Stated: All people were declared equal before the law. There no longer any special privileges for nobles, clergy or the wealthy. Feudal rights were ended. Trial by jury was guaranteed. Parents were given powers over their children. Fathers were allowed to imprison their children for any time up to a month. A wife could only own property with her husband’s consent in writing. Wives were not allowed to sell or give away property.
- Napoleon “The husband must possess the absolute power and right to say to his wife: ‘Madame you shall not go to the theatre, you shall not receive such and such a person, for the children you bear shall be mine.’ Women should stick to knitting.” Of the 7 codes, underline the one (or two) that stick out the most to you (interesting, appalling, weird, strong, weak, etc…) and explain WHY you feel that way!