When was Shakespeare born? Shakespeare was born in 1564. He died in 1616.
How many plays and sonnets did Shakespeare write? Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets. One play called "Cardenio" has no written record today. Only 36 plays can be read today.
Was Shakespeare ever in "love"? Shakespeare was in love. At age 18, he married the 26 year old Anne Hathaway. They were married the rest of Shakespeare's life…
Who said "O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo"? From her balcony, Juliet famously said "O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?," in "Romeo and Juliet".
The line "To be or not to be" comes from which play? D) HAMLET The line "To be or not to be" comes from which play?
A) Stratford-Upon-Avon Where was Shakespeare born?
B) An Elizabethan Theatre Was the Globe… a) A Roman Amphitheater. b) An Elizabethan Theatre. c) An Elizabethan sports stadium. d) A famous map of the world.
TRUE True or False: Was Shakespeare an actor as well as a poet and playwright?
False True or false: Was the movie "Shakespeare in Love", a true story?
YES Did Shakespeare invent words? He invented the word « assassination »
True or false: Shakespeare father was a glove-maker?
True or false: William had 12 brothers and sisters
True or false: William was the oldest of 6 surviving children
True or false: Shakespeare studied word processing, knitting, aeronautics' and cycling at school.
True or false: Shakespeare and his wife had twins called Alfonso and Hortense False, Hamnet and Judith was there names !
True or false: When he died he left his wife the second best bed of the house and nothing else