Personal Profile Collage Create a collage on a 8 ½ x 11 profile cutout of yourself using PowerPoint or Word. Your collage should include the following: Visuals and bullet points that represent your: Passions (Activity 29) Values (Activity 34) Personality Traits & Strengths (Activity 44 & 45) Skills & Aptitudes (Activity 47) Roles, Occupations, and Vocations, etc. Make sure your first and last name in the center of your collage inside of a text box. Your collage should include 3-4 bullet style facts about each your 5 Personal Profile characteristics. You collage will also need a picture that illustrates each one of your 5 Personal Profile characteristics. Make sure you use a text box around each characteristic so they are separated from each other. Your textbox should include: Name of characteristic, 3-4 bullet style facts, and a picture. Your poster will be PRESENTED to the class on day that it’s due. This project is worth 5 points toward your final grade.