(Continue Project - Drugs) Wednesday October 18, 2017 (Continue Project - Drugs)
The Daily CSI The Missing $5 Bill Wednesday, 10/18/17 Marie left a $5 bill on a table, and now it is gone. Marie sees Tom with a $5 bill hanging out of his pocket. Marie asks Tom if he took the bill off of the table, and Tom says that he didn’t. Tom tells Marie that he found his bill between pages 15 and 16 of a Harry Potter book. Marie retorts, "You're lying and I can prove it." How did Marie know that Tom was lying? Harry Potter books, like all other books, have odd-numbered pages on the right. Therefore, pages 15 and 16 are the front and back of a single page, and nothing could have been found between them.
Announcements Remediation for Quiz 4 runs through Friday! We will take Quiz 5 one week from today!
Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted QUIZ 4 S1 10/13 Friday Project - Drugs S2 10/16
Continue Project Drugs Pick a partner (no more than two per group!) Pick a drug to research. Get a piece of printer paper and create a rough draft for a presentation on your selected drug. Use Internet research and include illustrations. You must show the rough draft to me before you begin the poster! Get a poster board or a large sheet of paper from the library and create your presentation based upon your rough draft. Please, nothing inappropriate or silly! The rough draft is a formative. The finished project is a SUMMATIVE GRADE!