Jones Senior High School Biology Root Words Jones Senior High School
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 1 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
Ab- Root: Away from Definition: Abduction Example: 2 A type of movement which draws a limb away from the median plane of the body Abduction of the leg
Sphin- Root: Squeeze Definition: Sphincter Example: 3 A structure, usually a circular muscle, that constricts to control passage through a bodily canal Location of two sphincters in the GI tract
Thromb- Root: Clot Definition: Thrombosis Example: 4 The formation of a blood clot in a vessel obstructing the flow of blood Deep Vein Thrombosis
Gon- Root: Seed, Offspring Definition: Gonads Example: 5 The organ that produces gametes Structure of an Ovary
Embol- Root: Wedge Definition: Embolism Example: 6 When an object migrates from one part of the body and cause a blockage in a vessel elsewhere in the body Embolism in the Leg
Immun- Root: Protection Definition: Immune System Example: 7 A collection of biological processes that protects an organism from illness White blood cell engulfing an Anthrax bacterium
-Cide Root: Kill, destroy Definition: Pesticide Example: 8 A substance used to kill unwanted pests-insect, mammal, pathogen DDT being sprayed around people to kill mosquitoes
Cervic- Root: Neck Definition: Cervix Example: 9 The neck of the uterus; lower narrow portion of the uterus that adjoins the vagina Female Reproductive Diagram
Mal- Root: Bad Definition: Malignant Example: 10 Severe or worsening disease, commonly used to describe tumors that have the ability to cause death A Malignant Melanoma-skin cancer
-Crin Root: Secrete Definition: Endocrine Example: 11 Body system that secretes extra- cellular chemical signals called hormones Major Endocrine Glands
Aden- Root: Gland Definition: Adenoma Example: 12 A benign tumor (-oma) of a glandular origin 35lb Ovarian Adenoma
Macro- Root: Big,large Definition: Macromolecule Example: 13 A large molecule build through the polymerization of a monomer The most important macromolecule-DNA
Micro- Root: Small, tiny Definition: Microorganism Example: 14 An organism that is to small to be seen by the human eye, also called a microbe Protists Volvox, a colonial algae w/small colonies inside
Alb- Root: White Definition: Albino Example: 15 Characterized by the distinct lack of the pigment melanin Two Albino Fallow Bucks-UK
Lact- Root: Milk Definition: Lactose Example: 16 The sugar that is most notably found in milk Silk-Soy Milk is the great tasting alternative for people intolerant to lactose
Oculo- Root: Eye Definition: Ocular Example: 17 Perceived or pertaining to the eyes, or an eyepiece The Human Eye
Circum- Root: Around Definition: Circumference Example: 18 The distance around the outside of a circle The circumference around the worlds largest Sequoia is approx. 109 feet
Plegia- Root: Paralysis Definition: Paraplegic Example: 19 The impairment or loss of motor/sensory function in the lower extremities Some paraplegics compete in sports, not designed for wimps-Murderball
Thorac- Root: Chest Definition: Thoracic Cavity Example: 20 The chamber of the human body that contains the vital organs-lungs and heart Thoracic Cavity Diagram
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 21 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 22 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 23 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 24 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 25 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 26 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 27 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 28 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 29 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 30 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 31 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 32 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 33 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 34 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 35 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 36 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 37 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 38 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 39 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 40 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 41 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 42 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 43 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 44 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 45 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 46 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 47 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 48 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 49 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers
A- Root: Without Definition: Example: Abiotic 50 Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers