L E FRAN ÇAIS 1 C HAPITRE 7-1 Demonstrative adjectives Interrogative adjectives Irregular verb mettre (to place/put on; to wear)
D EMONSTRATIVE A DJECTIVES To say this, that, these or those, use the demonstrative adjectives ce, cet, cette, and ces. The demonstrative adjective you choose depends on the gender and number of the noun with which it goes. MASCULINEFEMININE SINGULARce pull cet imperméable cette chemise PLURALces pulls ces imperméables ces chemises
D EMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES ce pull-ci ces pulls-ci This hoodie (here) These hoodies (here) ce pull-là ces pulls-là That hoodie (there) Those hoodies (there) this/these (-ci)that/those (-là)
I NTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES Quel means which or what. It has four forms. All four forms are pronounced the same way. MASCULINEFEMININE SINGULARQuel chemisier? Quelle jupe? PLURALQuels chemisiers? Quelles jupes?
I NTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES Youve been using quest-ce que to say what. It is a little different from quel. Use a form of quel when what is followed directly by a noun. Quelle cravate est-ce que tu vas acheter? Use a form of quel when what is followed by the word est or sont. Quelles sont tes cravates préférées? Quelle est ta cravate préférée? Use quest-ce que to say what in most other cases. Quest-ce que tu vas acheter?
INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES You can use a form of quel as an exclamation, as in What a beautiful dress! In this case the word a is not stated in French. Quel beau chapeau! Quelle belle robe! Quels jolis chemisiers! Quelles casquettes mignonnes!
IRREGULAR VERB METTRE mettre ( to put something somewhere/to wear/to put on clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.) je metsnous mettons tu metsvous mettez il/elle/on metils/elles mettent