Colors and Mixing Painting 1
Color Categories PRIMARY COLORS
Secondary colors come from mixing primary colors. You can not make Red, Yellow, and blue from other colors.
Tertiary (Intermediate) Colors Colors that are made from mixing a primary AND a secondary color together. These always have two words in their names.
Analogous Colors -Three colors next to each other on the color wheel. Ex: Yellow orange, yellow, yellow green Blue green, blue, blue violet
Neutral, Warm, and Cool Colors
Tints, Shades, Monochromatic Tint- Adding white to a color to create a lighter value. Shade- Adding black to a color to create a darker value Monochromatic- using only tints and shades of one color.
Vocab Color Triad- Three colors that are equal distance apart on the color wheel. Think triangle! Color Scheme- A plan for selecting colors for your project Color Wheel- The circular chart with color relationships. Contrasting Colors- Different in lightness and darkness
Vocab cont... Shape- an enclosed space than can be either organic or geometric. Value-Lightness and darkness of a color. Intensity- Brightness or dullness of a color. A color is at its most pure intensity right from the bottle
Vocab cont... Focal Point- Center of interest in a piece. Unity- Is obtained by repeating colors and shapes- everything is working together as one unit. Balance- When all parts of a composition appear to be equal. Pattern- Lines and shapes repeated in a planned manner