9.5 The Influence of Media in Political Campaigns
1960 Kennedy v Nixon Debate on TV Winner? Depends if you watched or listened
Media Consultants Advisors to candidates on how to present a positive image Coach candidates on how to answer questions
Media Campaign Ads Consultants help plan
$$$$$ Ads are expensive Test on focus groups
Types of Campaign Ads 1. Deals with issues 2. Deals with images Either can be positive or negative
Photo “Op” Carefully staged event to produce a memorable image Can help or hurt
Election News Coverage Horse Race Coverage Who is winning and why (sporting event)
Or Soap Opera Stories Focuses on the ups and downs of a candidate
“Gotcha” journalism Ask question that you know can’t be answered Goal: make candidate look foolish
Negative Campaigns Mudslinging Attack ads Risky Public Dislikes
But…it works Why?? Discourages some voters from voting OR Stimulate voter interest for different candidate
???? Give an example of a negative ad Give an example of a positive ad Why does “going negative “work?