A. History 1. 384-322 BC: Aristotle grouped animals by similar physical characteristics. 2. 1500 AD: Herbalists group plants to treat diseases.
3. 1700’s: Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist set the rules for naming organisms (binomial nomenclature).
B. Binomial Nomenclature Understanding Scientific Names a. First word (1) Describes the organism in a general way. (2) This is the genus – a group of organisms that share major characteristics. b. Second word (1) Identifies the exact kind of organism. (2) This is the species – a very detailed description. c. Examples: Anolis carolinensis or Homo sapien.
2. Naming Rules a. Use Latin grammar. b 2. Naming Rules a. Use Latin grammar. b. Capitalize the first word (genus), sometimes abbreviated to just the initial. c. Second word is lower case and is italicized or underlined. Ex) Biston betularia B. betularia
C. Taxonomy 1. The science of classifying living things. 2. Biological Hierarchy of Classification: Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species “King Philip came over from Germany Saturday.”
3. The more classification categories two species share, the more traits they have in common.
4. The Three Domains Archaea Bacteria Eukarya
5. The Six Kingdoms Eubacteria b. Archaebacteria c. Protista - true bacteria - extremophiles - single-celled organisms d. Fungi e. Plantae f. Animalia - fungus and mold - plants - animals
D. Methods of Taxonomy 1. Phenetics a. Cladograms: (klados = Greek for branch). b. Branching diagrams that show evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms. c. Created with derived c’ristics that are unique to a group of organisms.
3. DNA Analysis Today’s scientists use DNA (genotype) to find similarities, not just physical traits (phenotype). Also used to determine genetic weakness.