Aller and the futur proche The verb to go and the near future
Aller and the futur proche The verb aller is irregular: You can use a form of aller plus an infinitive to talk about what is going to happen in the near future. Je vais jouer au basket. Im going to play basketball. je vaisnous allons tu vasvous allez il/elle/on vails/elles vont
Venir and the passé récent To come and the recent past
Venir and the passé récent The verb venir is irregular: You can use a form of venir plus de plus the infinitive of another verb to say that something just happened. Je viens de téléphoner à Christiane. I just called Christiane. je viensnous venons tu viensvous venez il/elle/on vientils/elles viennent
Idioms with avoir avoir besoin deto need avoir envie deto feel like avoir faimto be hungry avoir soifto be thirsty avoir chaudto be hot avoir froidto be cold avoir sommeilto be tired Jai chaud.Tu as envie de nager?