Lesson 66 Finish Mineral and Rock Identification Lab.
Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High Lesson 66 8th Grade Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High
Self Starter Sheet 40 Points Possible Today’s Learning Objective and Questions Learning Objective: Students will identify rocks and minerals from an online dichotomous key. Essential Question: Does an igneous rock show layering. Why or why not? Answer: No, the rock does not form in layers like sedimentary rocks.
8th Grade *Glossary List [ 1] convection- Paleontologist- Loam- Minerals- Rock-forming minerals-
Constructive Response Question [ 3] Draw a sequence of rock layers with the oldest rocks being sandstone, then shale and then limestone. Show folding and faulting. Explain why some sedimentary rock layers may not always appear with the youngest rock on top and older rocks below. (As soon as we have about 5 questions students will be given a test on this material).
Answers 1. Sedimentary rocks form in flat sheets that are disrupted by tension, compression and shearing of Earth’s crust. Folding and faulting results and alter the form of the layers.
Constructive Response Question [ 3] 3. Describe the similarities and differences between igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
3. Answer Layering Crystals Does not show layering Layering Crystals Igneous Does not show layering Variable, but small to large crystals are present and well mixed Sedimentary Most show layering Usually no crystals, if present are located inside cavities Metamorphic May or may not show layering Have crystals in layers or globs – not well mixed
Constructive Response Question [ 4] Identify two properties of diamond that make it a unique and valuable mineral. Possible answers include: Diamonds are the hardest known mineral on Earth. The only mineral that can scratch a diamond is another diamond. Because of their hardness, diamonds or diamond chips are used for cutting of hard substances. They are composed of pure carbon. Since they are very rare they are very valuable. They are also very beautiful.
Lab Directions Pass out Lab Sheet. Set up lap top computers. Show students where to find the dichotomous key. Warn students that the rocks and minerals are delicate and need to be handled carefully. Do not break or harm the minerals in anyway! Pass out mineral kits. We will do this again tomorrow.