2nd declension nouns and adjectives ending in -r Lesson XIV 2nd declension nouns and adjectives ending in -r
Let’s Review! 2ND DECLENSION: Nouns that have –i in their genitive singular are 2nd declension. amicus, amici (m.) vir, viri (m.) ager, agri (m.)
Dictionary entry of a noun: servus servi, m. slave Step 1 – Find the noun stem The noun stem is found by dropping the genitive singular ending from the noun. Dictionary entry of a noun: servus servi, m. slave Nominative singular Genitive singular Gender Meaning servi – i = serv- Noun Stem
Nominative servus servi Genitive servi servorum Dative servo servis In Latin, the endings indicate the case of the noun. servus, servi (m.) --- slave Case Singular Plural Nominative servus servi Genitive servi servorum Dative servo servis Accusative servum servos Ablative servo servis
Nouns Ending In -R “Nouns that end in –r” are exactly that: their nominative singular ends in –r instead of the usual –us. puer, pueri (m.) ager, agri (m.) vir, viri (m.)
Nouns Ending in -R These nouns form their stems the SAME WAY as the others: drop the –i from the genitive! Follow that rule and you’ll always get the correct stem.
Dictionary entry of a noun: ager agri, m. field Step 1 – Find the noun stem The noun stem is found by dropping the genitive singular ending from the noun. Dictionary entry of a noun: ager agri, m. field Meaning Nominative singular Genitive singular Gender agri – i = agr- Noun Stem
Accusative agrum agros Ablative agro agris By following the stem rule, a word like “ager” loses its “-e” after the first form. ager, agri (m.) --- field Case Singular Plural Nominative ager agri Genitive agri agrorum Dative agro agris Accusative agrum agros Ablative agro agris
Dictionary entry of a noun: puer pueri, m. boy Step 1 – Find the noun stem The noun stem is found by dropping the genitive singular ending from the noun. Dictionary entry of a noun: puer pueri, m. boy Nominative singular Gender Meaning Genitive singular pueri – i = puer- Noun Stem
Genitive pueri puerorum Dative puero pueris Accusative puerum pueros By following the stem rule, a word like “puer” keeps its “-e-”. puer, pueri (m.) --- boy Case Singular Plural Nominative puer pueri Genitive pueri puerorum Dative puero pueris Accusative puerum pueros Ablative puero pueris
Dictionary entry of a noun: vir viri, m. man Step 1 – Find the noun stem The noun stem is found by dropping the genitive singular ending from the noun. Dictionary entry of a noun: vir viri, m. man Nominative singular Genitive singular Gender Meaning viri – i = vir- Noun Stem
vir, viri (m.) --- man Case Singular Plural Nominative vir viri Genitive viri virorum Dative viro viris Accusative virum viros Ablative viro viris
-R Adjectives Some adjectives are listed as –er, -a, -um instead of the usual –us, -a, -um. To find the stem of these adjectives, drop the -a from the feminine (middle) form. liber, libera, liberum: free (adj.) Stem: liber- sacer, sacra, sacrum: sacred (adj.) Stem: sacr-
What To Take Away From the Lesson! 2nd declension nouns find their stems by dropping the –i from the genitive. When you do this, some words will drop a letter and some won’t. Follow the –i rule and the form will be correct!